Note he's been charged with two counts of assault, but denied bail. There is no universe in which this is reasonable. Even most murderers get bail.  So that has to be fixed first. It also really makes one question the judge.

Now, I've known Joe for over 20 years, and dated Denise before they married. He's a degreed engineer. He's a very stable, very thoughtful guy, and not someone who'd succumb to road rage, ever. His online commentary is always about caution, fully cognizant of the law.  If he shot, it's because he felt life was in danger.

Let's look at the article, and consider how it might have played out vs what we're told.

If the other guy was driving slow, it's not unreasonable to hold close but not tailgating, waiting for a chance to pass. I've had encounters where, when you try to pass, the other party then nails the gas to cut you off, just to be that kind of asshole. This is far more likely to me than him passing someone and slamming on the brakes to wreck them.

Furthermore, the default assumption in ANY rear end collision is that the rearmost party is at fault.

So let's interpret this as the other guy being the road rager. Especially as they admit he punched Joe first.

(UPDATE from court docs: Per court docs, the other party admits to being intoxicated on post surgical painkillers, and throwing the first two punches. But he's not being charged.)

Joe's a little guy, about a head shorter than me.  If some big guy creates a wreck, gets out of the car and instead of swapping info and calling the cops, starts getting pushy, and Joe has his three minor children in the back (he did), it very well might meet the standard of "fear for my life or that of my children."

I'm willing to bet money on that.

Now, let me dispose of a rumor that some assholes in the area have been spreading.  "Joe shot the guy for banging his wife."

First, he is a widower and his wife has been dead for 6 years. Try not to be that kind of asshole.

Second, he probably has a girlfriend or two at present.  He usually does.  He and Denise were openly poly, and there'd be no issue whatsoever about discussing it and having other partners.

Third, they're strangers who met on a random highway.  Trying to chase someone down with your kids in the car is so far outside the realm of rational we're not going to consider it.

So with that information, please donate what you can to help him first get released on some reasonable level of bond, and then prove his innocence, which no one should be forced to do in an innocent until proven guilty society.

He has been held without bail for 17 months so far, under the insane argument that he "turned a fistfight into a gunfight."  Apparently, you're supposed to let a drugged out freak beat you to death in front of your kids.

And they're in no hurry to hold a trial. The process is the punishment.

You can donate here.