Jesus Titty-fucking CHRIST, this column was supposed to be weekly.  I could do a dozen a day if I had the time.

And yeah, I've been busy. Catching up:

So let us look at the following:

Suppose you were Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher, and suppose you'd made history by getting SCOTUS to LITERALLY FUCKING LAUGH AT YOU for standing by your position that the 8th Amendment magically doesn't apply to the states, and that it's hypothetically perfectly reasonable to seize a half million dollar car for a 5 MPH over speeding violation.

Now, in such case, you'd probably come back and say, "Well, guys, that's it. We tried."

But no! This complete cockgobbler doubles down and says, "That was only regarding CIVIL forfeiture! So as long as we can prove a tenuous connection between the property and the owner and some utterly unrelated crime, it's still valid!"

This is literally precedent for the state to impose a death penalty and seizure of your entire estate for speeding. And yes, I know a bunch of liberal retards just read that and claimed I'm an hysterical right-winger (for wanting a smaller government? That's the exact opposite of how a "right wing" works, shit for brains), except I keep making these predictions, and we keep following the curve. But they love sucking government cock so much they just can't quit it.

Digressing. It wasn't even the state that seized this vehicle. It was a third party who then seized the vehicle and transferred it to the state, who presumably sold it, since the plaintiff wants it back and they're fighting this hard to avoid doing so.

Institute for Justice lawyer Sam Gedge says in a statement to Reason that Indiana "has resorted to an increasingly dangerous view of governmental power" over the years it has been fighting to keep Timbs' car.

"In the State's view, it can constitutionally forfeit a Bugatti that goes five miles over the speed limit. And the State insists that it can take any property from any person who has ever struggled with drug addiction," Gedge says. "That boundless view of governmental power cannot be squared with the Constitution."

Yeah, no shit.

On the positive side, since SCOTUS laughed in his face once, they will hopefully do so again, and this asset forfeiture faggotry, which is government-sanctioned highway robbery, will come to an end. That means pig departments nationwide will have to do actual law enforcement, not theft by false warrant, and will weep and wail. We'll cover them in a future column.

In the meantime, Indiana Solicitor General Thomas Fisher, YOU are the Asshole of the Week.


From comments:

cspschofield wrote:

I realize I'm being a pedantic pain, but I object to your use of the word '____'.I don't know this nitwit's sexual preference (nor do I want to) but IF he's gay, it has nothing to do with what he's an objectionable waste of air.

Nor is he, of course, a bundle of sticks used for fuel.


I do, however, have some suggestions of alternative terms;

Statist Flunky
Criminal Officeholder
Fascist (and we're back to the bundle of sticks)
Oxygen Thief
Guillotine Bait

I may change the term just to get around Fecesbook blocks.

I use it in its presexual connotation of someone at the very bottom of consideration, usually forced into menial labor. I had a post on this a while back.

But it's probably easiest to adjust it to something else due to both concerned readers (you) and screeching assholes (most).