In the aftermath of the non-issue in Virginia, I have a few notes.

Before we get started, even the actual left media agrees with me that "liberals" are racist: 


First, VCDL does this every year. If you don't know who they are, or that this is an annual event, you're not qualified to hold an opinion. It's a (sort of slightly) free country, so you can express your opinion, but anyone educated should laugh at you.

Here's some examples of the idiocy I found where idiots hang out, meaning Twitter, but also a bit on Farcebook.

"Most of the protesters are white!"  Most of Virginia's population is white. But go ahead and ignore the many black, Chinese-American, Hispanic, and other patriots who where there. I guess they're only "marginalized" when they're on your side, otherwise, they don't exist.  If you're racist, that is.

"They're all racists!"  Hey, you're the people who elected Governor Blackface Whitehood, and are having extra state police work on MLK day, AND requiring city and county police to do so, too.  But everyone else are racist? Cool story, bro! I hope you're convincing yourself.

"GOA is just a group for white gun nuts."  So you're completely ignoring their communication director, Antonia Okafor. 


Well, okay, racist.

Oh, here's some more: 

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There are thousands more, if you care to look, and don't MARGINALIZE them.

"Haha! These gun nuts are mostly fat and ugly!" Fatshaming and Lookshaming. Very liberal. Also, body armor literally adds 35 lbs, plus bulk for cold weather clothing.

"Why aren't they at work?"  It's a holiday. Lots of them have it off, or took a day off. Did you forget it was Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Day?  If so, it's probably because you're a racist.

"Hey, it's illegal to wear a mask!"  They're wearing the same masks the police wearing, because it is cold. Somehow, you never complain about this when it's your terrorist Antifag buddies doing it.

"Wow, they're wearing military clothing!" Actually, in that picture, those are Carhart coveralls used in cold weather by people who actually work for a living, including city workers, construction workers, and line workers. You know: All the working class people you elitist liberal cocksuckers like to pretend don't exist, or if you acknowledge they do, that they're stupid because they don't have a degree in Agenda Studies.

"The police weren't taking them down like they do other groups!"  Gee, it's almost as if being armed causes the government to take you more seriously and its agents to be reluctant to get force turned on them. And of course, they were completely peaceful. If only we could make that work for, I don't know, MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES.  It worked for Malcolm X.

"March to the nearest recruitment center." A huge number of them are vets. Also, nice endorsement of the military industrial complex and police state. Sieg Heil, you fucking Nazi.

"There were very few police present. Because they're white." Actually, there were THOUSANDS of police present, but since these were decent human beings, not the sort of subhuman shit who beat people with bike locks, throw milkshakes at them like 1950s racists, set things on fire, or attack cops, the police didn't need to do anything. Once again you're proving the point:  The very diverse group you insist is only "white males" is a largely peaceful group. For now.

"Haha! These people aren't scary at all!" Thanks for admitting it. So why do you want to restrict their rights and piss them off?

"All this over background checks!"  That is about the most monstrous lie possible, and this is going to take a bit:

Let's start with non-gun laws, since that might actually affect a liberal pinbrain: They're proposing that recall require 25% of ELIGIBLE VOTERS on a petition. Not actual voters or even registered. So, more people than ever actually vote for a candidate.

They're proposing an 8 year term for their pet governor.

They're proposing the same racist bullshit that "black people don't know how to get voter ID"--the same ID everyone uses to drive, buy smokes, and buy beer, so they can pack more illegal votes in. There's literally no reason to oppose voter ID, as is used in every civilized nation, unless you're a racist trying to pack an election...for that 8 year governor. (And keep in mind, at some point, a Republican might become governor, and then the problem is the other way.  Of course, expecting "liberals" to even comprehend what a second order effect is, much less predict them, is like expecting a pig to grasp calculus.)

The governor was able to claim "social media comments" as a "public emergency," and declare 14 acres of empty public ground an "emergency shelter" where no weapons were allowed.  The courts refused to stop this.  At this point he can literally declare the entire state such.

There's a bill that calling a public employee and obscene name would constitute a "threat." So if you inform Governor Blackface Whitehood of the fact that he's a cocksucking Nazi piece of shit, you'd go to jail.  Hey, Demorrhoids prove they want the First Amendment gone, too.  Awkward. Except, of course, there has NEVER been a Demorrhoid who supported free speech. They want free speech for THEM, but not for anyone who might disagree with their Nazi ideology. (Yes, if you belong to the Democratic Party, you ARE a fucking Nazi, and you ARE a fucking racist piece of shit.)(And almost certainly Anti-Semitic, too.) (I've proven this before: )

And see the opening note.

Nevermind "background checks," they proposed banning several categories of firearms, which does in fact constitute, "Taking the guns," and massive restrictions on a right, and have already cancelled their recognition of 25 states' reciprocal licenses to carry. What those states should do is cancel recognition of VA driver and marriage licenses.

Possibly the scariest is a "voluntary" list to be a non-gun person, which if you violate, constitutes a crime.  If you don't want a gun, just don't buy a fucking gun.  Why sign up to make yourself a criminal?  To address this, we need to consider what "voluntary" means.  It means a lot like "elective" abortion.  In most cases, you can "elect" to abort, or either die in childbirth or give birth to a poor creature that dies in agony.

You'll "volunteer" to be a non-gun owner who can be charged as a criminal if you do when your employer, or their insurer, tells you it's a condition of employment to "reduce workplace violence." (It won't. If you believe it will, you're fucking stupid. And don't bother arguing, I know more about this subject than you do.)  You can  "Volunteer" to not own guns or volunteer to starve.  Or when the divorce judge tells you custody depends on "volunteering" for this list. Or the traffic court.  Or the school you wish to attend.

Then they'll trumpet that X% or X number of Virginians "voluntarily" don't own guns, as if that matters for the practice of a right. (How many of you have ever actually written a letter to your Congressleech? Does that mean free speech doesn't exist?) They'll use that for marketing elsewhere.

Also, the bill would make it a crime to let someone on the list handle weapons.  So this will be used to harass and arrest honest people who get entrapped.

A bill that would require ANYONE selling guns or ammo to ensure EVERY employee can pass a background check. Now, this sounds reasonable, but is in fact already federal law...for people who actually transact firearms.  But what this would mean is that WalMart couldn't just designate five people in Sporting Goods as the FFL section, cleared by ATF, as they do now. Literally EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYEE down to the night janitor would have to pass a background check.  Which of course means the store will stop selling guns. Which of course means inexpensive guns will be less available to minorities and marginalized communities at risk of violence.

Note that last:  Literally EVERYTHING the Demorrhoids push for is a long game to get back the slaves we forcibly made them give up in the Civil War. They want minorities poor, helpless, and dependent on the government. Any minority who forgets their place is scorned as an "Uncle Tom" or "Sellout" or even "House ni__r."  Such tolerant, peaceful people Demorrhoids are.

So, yeah, go ahead with your racism, lies, and hatred about everyone involved in a peaceful protest.

But, since we know you're the fucking Nazis now, expect to get treated like fucking Nazis next time. Hopefully the guillotine won't be in effigy: 

 /></p><p><strong>  Noted for next time. We'll bring live ammo.

"Better luck next time!"  Oh, don't worry, cockbag. Next time, we won't make that "peaceful" mistake again.

You are the racists, you are the liars, and we know who you are.


But let's be honest:

The ballot box failed. The soap box is irrelevant when the left controls the media. The courts have said pretty much any gun control is A-OK, and SCOTUS has refused to hear the appeals.

And a bunch of guncucks paraded around and did nothing after the Delegates proposed stealing their property and installing themselves for life.

It’s been time for the Ammo Box since the 18th Amendment. We need to just admit that 95% of gun owners are pussies, and the 5% who might start something know the 95% would go Full Virtue Signal, and turn them in while shrieking, “They’re not law abiding gun owners!” The number of cucks online insisting, "Well, why don't you start it?"  Even if I could, what would be the point? You'd play their game.

The building was empty. You could have stormed the building, set up shop peacefully, and had the crowd outside bring you pizza and beer, and still been there, forcing the Nazis to hold their legislative session in a conference hall, humiliated before the world.

You could have separated the barricades from inside or out, and put 20,000 people inside the barricades, no violence, just civil disobedience the way Ghandi intended. Go where they say you can't. Say what they prohibit.

Hell, if the badly outnumbered cops looked itchy, you could have made it very clear they were being disarmed for their own safety and sent home.

Nope, you paraded around and did nothing, told everyone how peaceful you were, not like the fascists at Antifa, and made it clear you'll politely line up for the box cars when it's time.

NEWSFLASH: Antifa has gotten city, county, and state governments to accept their actions and intentions, ban conservatives, refuse to arrest their agitators, and even refuse to prosecute their criminals who have beaten or shot at people.

And you...proved you'll do nothing. So yet more restrictive bills were proposed this week in VA and almost every other state.


There wonΓÇÖt be a revolution. TheyΓÇÖll take your guns. YouΓÇÖll suck the Nazi cock. YouΓÇÖll swear you love it.

I fucking despise you, too.